This updater will update the following Connectix PowerBook Utilities software:
• CPU versions 2.0.2, 2.0.3 and 2.0.4 —> version 2.0.5
The updater will ask you to locate the file listed above. The “CPU” file is a control panel and can be found in the “Control Panels” folder of your system folder. The updater will update the file in place, so be sure to make a backup of the original file. You must restart your PowerBook to complete the update.
NOTE: This updater is not capable of updating versions of CPU earlier than version 2.0.2 to the current version. Please contact our customer service department to obtain an upgrade disk.
• Fixed problems which could cause crashes with dynamic screen reconfiguration (For example, changing the menu bar from one screen to another on dual monitor systems, changing monitor resolutions, etc.).
• Fixed a problem which could prevent a PowerBook 1xx series computer from sleeping under System 7.5.
• Fixed a problem which would cause a crash during startup on the PowerBook 100.
• The modem settings will no longer switch from Normal to Compatible during startup on PowerBook 5xx series computers.
• The “16 MHz when on Battery” feature for the PowerBook Duo 210, 230, 250 and 270c updates the PRAM properly under System 7.5.
• Turning the Display master switch off no longer turns the Disk Activity Indicator off.
• Compatibility enhancements including fixes for multi-byte script systems and PowerPC-based PowerBook computers.
CPU 2.0.4
• Compatibility with the Macintosh PowerBook 150, PowerBook Duo 280, PowerBook Duo 280c and PowerBook 500 series.
• Improved display with color menus.
CPU 2.0.3
• Improved external battery support; CPU can now determine if the power adapter is connected and use its AC Power settings.
• Improved disk activity indicator compatibility.
CPU 2.0.2
• Corrected a problem which would cause the cursor to disappear on the LCD screen if an external screen is used as the main screen and the “Inverting” LCD Saver was enabled.
• The “Non-Inverting” LCD Saver no longer interrupts printing to Quickdraw printers.
• Added a “Using External Battery” feature to provide support for external battery packs which connect through the power charger port.
• AppleTalk state is remembered correctly when “AppleTalk Always Available” is enabled.
• Keystrokes are no longer lost when typing in the CPU control panel.
• Improved compatibility with Apple's At Ease.
CPU 2.0.1c
• Full compatibility with the PowerBook Duo 270c.
CPU 2.0.1a
• The desktop pattern is now remembered properly when the ‘Docked’ set is automatically selected.
• Corrects a problem which under rare conditions could cause the incorrect font to be used for the display.
• Compatibility with the GCC PLP II printer.
CPU 2.0.1
• A new feature which automatically switches CPU to a set containing the string ‘dock’ (case is not significant) for Duo and PowerBook users with built-in external video.
• A new option in the LCD screen saver which can reduce the memory required by CPU and increase compatibility. This mode does not provide the ability to work while the screen is inverted (white-on-black).
• CPU now comes with a version of Extensions Manager which can automatically select a set of extensions based upon the availability of a network router.
• Compatibility with the ‘Cram Bar’ extension, for those trying to cram ever more into your menu bar.
• Separate options for enabling extended scrolling keys (page up, page down, home, end, and forward delete) and Function Keys (F1-F15).
• The Hot Key Summary dialog can be dismissed by pressing a key as well as by clicking the mouse button.
CPU 2.0
• A QuickConfigure mode that lets you set CPU’s options at a glance. You can adjust the level of battery conservation through a single slider bar. Security can also be configured from this panel.
• A Fine-Tune mode that lets you fine tune each of CPU’s features.
• EasySync – file reconciliation without any complicated applications. Now you can update files simply by dragging and dropping files and folders. Synclets can be saved to automatically synchronize files at start-up and mount required volumes.
• Improved power management that senses whether your PowerBook is on battery power and automatically switches to a lower processor speed (for PowerBooks with variable speed processors).
• An expanded CPU menu that lets you adjust the backlight setting, change SCSI disk mode ID, toggle AppleTalk without restarting. When the CPU control panel is in the Fine-Tune mode, the menu has a submenu so that you can select and open any CPU panel.
• Improved environment management that chooses printers and selects desktop patterns.
• A Hot Keys Summary – lists all the hot keys
• Extended Keys Panel – to create the Page Up/Down, Home, End, Forward Delete keys, F1-F15 keys, and to configure the way the Caps Lock key works.
• Balloon Help Panel – to remove the Balloon Help menu and to turn on Help Balloons instantly with a key combination. The default combination is Command-Option-Shift-Control.
• AppManager Panel – new hot keys to switch to the previous or next application, and toggle between the two recent applications.
• Punch through command – to simultaneously configure specific features in all sets the same way, including enabling or disabling panels, setting the same password, or setting the same hot key combination.
• LCD Saver prevents burn-in on external monitors that are connected to the PowerBook.
• Additional features: more cursors, disk activity indicators, and optional color icons.
This feature has been added for those of you who have external battery packs which connect to the PowerBook through the power charger port. The “Using External Battery” feature disables the “battery not charging warning” that you would get from using an external battery and adjusts CPU's power curves to reflect the use of an external battery pack. To facilitate the use of the “Using External Battery” feature, an “External Battery” set is now included in the sample sets installed with CPU. The “Using External Battery” feature and the “External Battery” set should only be used when actually connected to an external battery pack.
NOTE: CPU cannot instantly determine whether or not the power adapter is connected to the external battery. It may take several minutes for CPU to determine that the power adapter is connected.
NOTE: CPU’s Time Remaining display is not accurate when using external battery packs. Currently, CPU uses information gathered during both the charging and discharging cycles of a battery to calculate an estimate of the time remaining. Since CPU cannot instantly determine whether the PowerBook is running from battery or AC when an external battery pack is connected, it cannot produce a reliable estimate of time remaining for the external battery.
CPU 2.0.1
Switch Sets when Docked Feature:
This feature can be valuable both for PowerBook users who have External Monitor adapters as well as Duo users. As the machine starts, CPU checks for the presence of an external screen. If an external screen is found, CPU will attempt to switch to the first set it finds with the word ‘dock’ in it. You may wish to name your set ‘Docked’ or ‘In-Dock;’ even ‘What’s Up Dock?’ will do. If no such set is found, nothing happens. Later, when you restart away from the monitor or dock, CPU will automatically switch back to the set which had originally been selected. This automatically switches between sets based on whether they are in the dock and thus instantly adjust all of CPU’s features. Note that if you select an alternate set after having been automatically switched to the docked set, CPU will leave your new set active and will not change your selection.
New LCD Saver options:
A new version of our LCD Screen Saver has been included which takes less memory (especially useful on monitors with several color/grayscale levels) and increased compatibility, at the cost of being unable to work while in inverted (white-on-black) mode. PowerBook users with monochrome screens (PB100, 140, 145, and 170 users, as well as the old Portable) may wish to continue using the original inverting LCD Saver, since display legibility may be enhanced in white-on-black mode, depending upon ambient lighting conditions. The new LCD Saver will disable all drawing while it is active, so background animation will be suspended, even on any non-LCD screen to which is attached. In addition, there is an option to dim an external monitor when LCD Saver is active.
Extensions Manager:
Read the information file in the Extensions Manager folder of this disk for full details of how to use Extensions Manager 2.0.
CPU 2.0
Remember Backlight Setting
Remembers the backlight level independently for battery and power adapter usage within each set.
16MHz if Wake or Restart on Battery
To change the processor speed, you must sleep or restart the PowerBook after removing or inserting the power adapter. In addition, holding down the “F” or “R” key at startup will force the PowerBook to run at the faster or reduced speed, respectively. If you want to use the standard processor speed when on battery, uncheck the box “16MHz if Wake or Restart on Battery” in the Expert panel. This feature is disabled on the Portable and PowerBook 100/140 because they are only capable of running at 16MHz.
On Duos, the processor speed changes dynamically when the power adapter is removed or inserted. Since the speed change happens dynamically on the Duos, holding the “F” or “R” key at startup produces no effect.
Battery Not Charging warning
If CPU detects that your external charger is connected but is not charging the battery, the plug indicator in the menubar will flash.
NOTE: Users of external battery packs may need to disable this feature if the flashing plug is activated when attached to the external battery pack.
Extended Keys
To emulate the function keys, hold down the Control key and press “1” through “9” for F1 through F9, “0’ for F10, “–” for F11, “=” for F12, “[” for F13, “]” for F14, and “\” for F15. For scrolling keys, hold down the Control key and press up arrow for page up, down arrow for page down, left arrow for home, right arrow for end, and delete for forward delete. Keys may differ on international keyboards.
CPU Sample Sets
CPU now ships with just four default sets: Home, Travel, Office, and Quick Discharge. The default sets, “In Public” and “General” have been removed from CPU, however if you were previously using these sets, they will remain when you upgrade to CPU 2.0.
Since On The Road and CPU both control printer and AppleTalk selections, this can lead to some confusion. In order to avoid unexpected behavior, we recommend that you turn off “Remember Printer and AppleTalk” and “AppleTalk Always Available” in CPU's Expert Panel and rely on On The Road to provide these features.
Also, On The Road version 1.1C automatically switches among CPU's sets when it determines that your location has changed. For example, if On The Road detects that you are at work it will switch CPU to the “Office” set. Likewise, when you are on the road, On The Road will switch CPU to your Travel set.
If you do not have On The Road 1.1C and would like to obtain a copy, contact our Customer Service department. Upgrades to version 1.1C are free to all registered users of On The Road.